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Salmon and Sea Trout

The Border Esk has a prolific run of Autumn Salmon and Sea trout in the summer. The season runs from 1st February to 30 October. Sadly the sea trout run has been poor in the last few years. As with all rivers, it is quite hard to book fishing at short notice but you can book beats on the Buccleuch private water    and  also on numerous beats on The Rivers Annan, Nith and Tweed all of which are accessible from the house on Fishpal.

The water in front of the house is available to guests wishing to fish. Please contact us if you want to have a go. Guests fishing on the Border Esk must have an Environment Agency licence for the relevant period.

Coarse Fishing

We have some private ponds which have some Rudd, Crucian Carp, Bream and Mirror Carp in them.  The river also has quite large Chub. Please ask for details.

Although there are a number of coarse fisheries nearby, many of them are syndicated. Coarse Fishing Venues which sell day tickets include

Longtown West Pond. Pike, Perch and Bream

Carleton Hill Fishery, Carlisle. Stocked Carp

Talkin Tarn, Brampton. Pike and Perch

Castle Loch, Lochmaben. Bream, Carp, Pike

Broom Fishery, Annan. Match species and trout

Crofton Lake, Thursby. Match species

The River Annan has a good number  of Grayling and Chub.

Trout Fishing

The Rivers Eden and Annan are famous for their wild brown trout. Kirkwood and Annandale Estates sell day tickets for trout on The Annan. Eden Lacy is a beautiful beat on the River Eden, and others are accessible through Fish Eden.

Most stillwater fisheries are syndicated.

Fishpal Carleton Hill Fishery Talkin Tarn Longtown West Pond Castle Loch, Lochmaben Broom Fishery, Annan Crofton Lake, Thursby Kirkwood


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